Friday, November 22, 2013


There was a woman who had three daughters, the eldest had only on eye. the second had two eyes, and the youngest had three eyes. Now because little two eyes looked just like another people, they made her wear rags, give her little to eat and basically makeher life miserable. 

One day she seated herself on a mound in the field, and began to weep and cry. In the midst of her sorrow she looked up, and saw a woman stnading near her and said, "what are yo weeping for, little two eyes?". And little two eyes explained what happened. "Dry up your tears, little two eyes, i will tell you something to do which will prevent you from ever being hungry again. You have only say to your own goat. Little goat, when you're able, pray deck out of my table. Imeediately there will be a pretty little table. And when you have enough, you only say, little goat, when You're able, remove my nice table, and it will vanish from your eyes." so little two eyes tried it.

This happened every day and made the suspect's her mother and sister. They tried to find out what happened. After a few days, her mother and sister knew what happened and killed the goat. Little two eyes was told ny the wise woman that her must bury inside of the goat in the ground.

The next morning, when they all rose and looked out of the window, where stood a most wonderful tree, with leaves of silver and apples of gold hanging betwen them. Then they tried to climb the tree but couldn't. Just little two eyes could picked up the apple gold. It hapened when a knight came nearer. Then he said' " Little two eyes, can you braek off a branch of the tree for me?". "Oh yes", she replied. He looked down at her as she stood by his horse and said, "Little two eyes, what shall i give you for this?". She answered, "I suffer from hunger and thirst, and sorrow, and troble, from early morning until late at night, if you would take me with you, and release me, i should be so happy.". Then the kight lifted the little maiden on his horse, and rode home with her ti his faher's castle.

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