Sunday, December 1, 2013


 For all Bandung students,

Herewith this letter, we would like to invite you to come to our 2013 School's Events which will be held on :
Day/Date : Sunday, 29 December 2013
Time        : 09.00 - through.
Venue      : SMAN 3 Bandung, Jl. Belitung Barat
 There will be some artists, bazar, exhibition, and special performance.
Thank you very much for your attentive care.
It will be more pleasure if you come.

Friday, November 22, 2013


There was a woman who had three daughters, the eldest had only on eye. the second had two eyes, and the youngest had three eyes. Now because little two eyes looked just like another people, they made her wear rags, give her little to eat and basically makeher life miserable. 

One day she seated herself on a mound in the field, and began to weep and cry. In the midst of her sorrow she looked up, and saw a woman stnading near her and said, "what are yo weeping for, little two eyes?". And little two eyes explained what happened. "Dry up your tears, little two eyes, i will tell you something to do which will prevent you from ever being hungry again. You have only say to your own goat. Little goat, when you're able, pray deck out of my table. Imeediately there will be a pretty little table. And when you have enough, you only say, little goat, when You're able, remove my nice table, and it will vanish from your eyes." so little two eyes tried it.

This happened every day and made the suspect's her mother and sister. They tried to find out what happened. After a few days, her mother and sister knew what happened and killed the goat. Little two eyes was told ny the wise woman that her must bury inside of the goat in the ground.

The next morning, when they all rose and looked out of the window, where stood a most wonderful tree, with leaves of silver and apples of gold hanging betwen them. Then they tried to climb the tree but couldn't. Just little two eyes could picked up the apple gold. It hapened when a knight came nearer. Then he said' " Little two eyes, can you braek off a branch of the tree for me?". "Oh yes", she replied. He looked down at her as she stood by his horse and said, "Little two eyes, what shall i give you for this?". She answered, "I suffer from hunger and thirst, and sorrow, and troble, from early morning until late at night, if you would take me with you, and release me, i should be so happy.". Then the kight lifted the little maiden on his horse, and rode home with her ti his faher's castle.

Friday, November 8, 2013

One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes

A woman had three daughters: The eldest had one eye in the middle of her forehead, the second had two eyes like ordinary people, the third had three eyes, two on the sides of her head and a third in the middle of her forehead. Her mother and sisters scorned Little Two Eyes because she was like other people and treated her badly, leaving her only their leftovers to eat.
One day Little Two Eyes was sent to the field to tend to the goat, she sat down and cried as she had been given so little to eat and when she looked up a woman was standing beside her. The woman asked her why she was crying. Little Two Eyes explained and the wise woman told her to say to the goat ,”little goat if you are able pray deck out my table
A beautifully spread table would stand before her, and Little Two Eyes could eat as much as she wanted. The woman then told Little Two Eyes that when she had had enough to eat she simply had to say,"Little goat, when you're able remove my table"and the table would vanish. The wise woman then left and Little Two Eyes spoke the words the woman had told her would summon the table, and to her surprise there it stood. Little Two Eyes ate until she was full and said the words the woman told her would make the table disappear, and immediately it was all gone. Little Two Eyes returned home in the evening and found the plate of leftovers her sisters had left for her, but she did not touch it.
The next day she went out again with the goat and left the scraps given to her, after a time her sisters began to notice this and told their mother. So Little One Eye was sent to go with Little Two Eyes when she drove the goat to pasture to see if someone was giving her food and drink. Little Two Eyes suspected this was the reason Little One Eye was accompanying her and so sang Little One Eye a song to make her one eye fall asleep. Little Two Eyes then summoned the table and ate as before. On returning home Little One Eye told her mother that the fresh air made her so tired she fell asleep and that was why she did not see what Little Two Eyes had done, so the next day the mother sent Little Three Eyes to watch Little Two eyes when she went out with the goat. Little Two Eyes suspected that Little Three Eyes had been sent to watch her and so meant to sing her song to make her three eyes fall asleep but instead she sang a song to only make two of her eyes fall asleep. Little Three Eyes shut her third eye though it was still awake so when Little Two Eyes thought her sister was fast asleep she said the rhyme and ate and drank from the little table though all the while Little Three Eyes blinked her eye and watched. When they returned home Little Three Eyes told her mother what she had seen. Her mother then, in rage that Little Two Eyes thought to live better than her family, fetched a knife and killed the goat.
Little Two Eyes sat in the meadow and cried having seen what her mother had done. Just as before when she looked up the wise woman stood beside her and asked why she wept. Little Two Eyes explained and the wise woman told her to bury the heart of the goat as it would bring her luck. Little Two Eyes asked her sisters if she might have the goat's heart and nothing more. They laughed and told her she could have it. That evening Little Two Eyes buried the heart before the door just as the wise woman had told her and the next morning there, where she had buried the heart, stood a beautiful tree which had leaves of silver and fruit of gold growing on it.
The mother told Little One Eye to climb the tree and break off some fruit, but as Little One Eye tried to take hold of one of the golden apples the bough sprang out of her hands. This happened every time she reached for it. The mother then told Little Three Eyes to climb the tree and break off some fruit since with her three eyes she could see much better than Little One Eye. Little Three Eyes was no more successful than her older sister and at last the mother climbed up and tried in vain to break off a single piece of fruit. Little Two Eyes then volunteered to try. Her sisters told her that she would not succeed with her two eyes. To their great surprise Little Two Eyes managed to pluck off a whole apronful of the golden fruit, and her mother took them from her. But instead of treating Little Two Eyes better, her sisters and mother were jealous that only she could pick the golden fruit and were even more unkind than before.
One day a Knight came riding along. Little One Eye and Little Three Eyes pushed Little Two Eyes under an empty cask nearby so the Knight would not see her. The Knight stopped to admire the beautiful tree and asked who it belonged to, saying that whoever would give him a twig from the tree could have whatever they wanted. The two sisters told him that the tree belonged to them and that they would certainly break a twig off for him. But just as before the twigs and fruit bent away from their hands whenever they got close. The Knight exclaimed that it was odd that the owners of the tree could not break anything from it, yet the sisters insisted the tree was theirs. Little Two Eyes, who was still hidden under the empty cask, rolled a couple of golden apples to the Knight's feet. When the Knight asked where the apples had come from, the two sisters confessed they had another sister but she had been hidden away because she had two eyes like normal people. The Knight demanded to see Little Two Eyes who came happily from under the cask and told the Knight that the tree was indeed hers. So Little Two Eyes climbed up the tree and broke off a small branch with its silver leaves and golden fruit with ease and gave it to the Knight. The Knight proceeded to ask Little Two Eyes what she would like, as she was entitled to whatever she wanted. Little Two Eyes asked to be taken away from the suffering she had at the hands of her mother and sisters. So the Knight lifted Little Two Eyes onto his horse and took her to live at his father's castle. There he treated her to beautiful clothes and food and drink. They fell in love and he married her.
The two sisters believed that they were lucky to have kept the beautiful tree as Little Two Eyes and the Knight first set off for the castle but, to their dismay, the very next morning they awoke to find that the tree had vanished. When Little Two Eyes woke and looked out her window she saw, with delight, that the tree had grown outside the castle.
When two poor women came to the castle to beg one day, Little Two Eyes looked at them and realised that they were her sisters. Little Two Eyes took them in and made them welcome. The sisters then repented of ever having been so mean to their sister.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Unforgattable Moment

It started from a unique name of a place. That is ”Ujung Genteng”. Maybe some of you already know about this place, but for you that haven’t know about this place try to imagine this place before. I know what you think this place, maybe you think it’s a place in top of our roof. HAHA. But it’s not, “Ujung Genteng” is a beach in West Java that has breeding turtle.
I have spent my holiday in there. I knew the place from a web. When I give knew the place to my family and asked them to go there, they agree. I was happy that’s time. Next day we prepared all of our necessary and went there by car. It took some hours to get there. Arrived in “Ujung Genteng” we carried a motel and took a rest.
I think we had a long rest. We continued our activity in the next day. We woke up early morning for started our exciting experience. We got a trip by motorcycle to reach the place. In that place we can see little turtle and we could hold and released it to sea. The turtle is little and funny. All people in there released it too. It was one of all beautiful scenery I ever seen.


Like drawing but not a master. Swimming on free tmie but can't swim at all. Feel refreshing but in act it just happen for close friend. That's me. Lksita Iffat Maheswari is my full name. Now i study in SMAN 3 bandung  sat on X IPA 7 and some of my friends call me sita. so you can. And i have a big problem in my life, that's lazy.
I choose my own schedule. And sometimes i feel bored for my own schedule, maybe that's the reason why i lazy and with another factors certainly -_-. In Monday until saturday i ust go to school, take a course, go home, sleep, eat, tahe a bath and do my homework. In Sunday i can do anything what i want, started opening my own social network until go to some places with my family.
my family is a part of my life taht always in my heart. I have one young brother, now hee is going to junior high school. He is funny, kind but uasually disturb me. when he disturbe me my mother will help me to make him not disturb me anymore. I like share with my mother and ask some briliat ideas. When she can't help me, my father will help us. My father is an enterpreneur and i have a good principe of him "put your drean as high as possible and do the best for now".
I have may friends (i think). They are interesting for me and sometimes inspire me. It make me happy when i spend my break time with them. They always invite me to bazar. 

My New Friend

last month i had a new friend in English Class. And now i would like to share bout her. I had talked a lot with her, and i think she is kind,sweet and pretty. She can make good atmosphere. her name is Rizky Aulia khoirunnisa, she wants us to call her "Riau". Do you think it same with name of one place?, maybe same with me, i think so. But she told me that her nick name created by her friend and it abbreviation from RIzky AUlia. What a nice thought. Now she lives on Jl. Babakan Baru , she stays with her lovely family. She was born on October 27th 1998. she has one young sister and brother, theye are Nuri and Rifqi. She likes Rifqi more than Nuri cause she thinks that Rifqi is sincere.

She likes eat fried rice and her favourit fried rice is her mother's made. She like read novel "remaja". she likes study Mathematic cause she think it"s interesting for her. She hopes one day, she will be a doctor. a famous doctor and graet doctor. Her inspiring person is her mom. When i asked her about the reason, she just said, "ya, because she is inspiring haha.....".